The Hub NYC offers several areas of both shared workspace and private conferencing for individuals, discipleship pairs, and ministry teams.


$150/month for each license


9AM to 5:30PM, Monday through Friday, excluding federal/city holidays


Private Conferencing:

4 free hours of private room use per month will be included with each license

Additional hours will be charged at a rate of $15/hr

Spaces available could include:

- 1st Floor Skylight Conference

- 2nd Floor Prayer Room

- 4th Floor Conference and Office

- 7th Floor Living Room


Co-Working Spaces will include:

- 1st Floor front Lobby area

- 1st Floor Lounge + Skylight Conference

- 3rd Floor (not including the kitchen)

- Rooftop

- 2nd Floor Prayer Room will be open for prayer/meditation/daily office

**The Hub NYC reserves the right to rent out any of the above spaces ~1-2 days per week for citywide/regional conferences, etc; co-working individuals will be alerted ahead of time

Ministry/Non-Profit Licenses:

One physical key card will be issued per license, which may be transferred to other individuals amongst your team (if handoff of the key card to another team member is impossible, staff will facilitate entry.)


Up to 3 guests may come in with a license holder for up to 1 hour per day (exceptions may be made for Ministry teams); additional time will be charged at a rate of $20/person/hr

- If a license holder is engaged in 1:1 discipleship, 90 minutes of guest time will be allowed